Monday, December 19, 2011

Welcome post for David

As you might have noticed, the last entry was posted by our guest David. Lifted directly off his profiles, he describes himself as "... a cancer patient advocate who cares very much about the well-being of people not only diagnosed with cancer but also their families and those who are in remission. We can beat this disease together. Keep up the fight".

He has asked to post about a few things regarding the benefits of support groups and physical exercise, and how they affect both patients and loved ones alike. I am very glad for his initiative, as cancer has always been a big story in my life.

As a result of this, I'll be tackling cancer from a scientific (mostly biochemical) perspective, and hopefully the synergistic nature of this will lead to some interesting readings. I'll planning on posting on Wednesday, with potentially an unrelated updates on the weekends. Until then, take care of yourself and your loved ones, and I hope you'll enjoy what's to come =).

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